Can You Resolve Hair, Skin and Nail Issues Due to Menopause?

Things change.

No one ever told me that during menopause my hair, skin, and nails were going to change, so I will give you a little secret that may help you.     When our bodies are no longer producing the “normal” number of proteins required to produce healthy hair, skin, and nails, we can supplement with such vitamins as biotin, coupled with silica (a building block of collagen) to help restore. When going through what is commonly known as “The Change”, we notice our hair is not growing at normal pace or a lack of shine/luster in it that there once was.   There are typically going to be changes noticed at the same time or shortly after that the nails and skin may also reflect undesirable changes as well including discolouration, random rashes and over all dryness of the skin.  If your hair and skin is suffering you can believe that your nails will as well.  When our nails are not receiving what they require, you may notice breaking and flaking as well as a brittle texture.  I know, I am not making this whole change of life look desirable, but that is ok.  There are a few things you can do about it. 

Like everything in life, our hair skin and nails go through cycles.  At times, these cycles are good, other times seemingly not so good. This may be your body’s way of telling you that it is not naturally producing the amounts of protein to maintain a healthy balance. These distressing symptoms can often be treated in the way of adding vitamins or supplements to your daily lifestyle.

Biotin and Silica are the combination that I recommend because one (biotin) rejuvenates and the other (silica) strengthens.  You can find these combined in such vitamins as Hairforce which can be found in most Natural Pharmacies.   Collagen may also be used to supplement the hair, skin, and nails as well.  Collagen is another form of protein which may be added to your drinking water in the form of powder, taken as a liquid added to your water and even found in a gummy form.  The collagen is a popular antioxidant which over time restores elasticity, leaving the hair and nails stronger while leaving the skin appearing tighter.  When following manufacturers directions, vitamins and supplements are a safe and easy way to aid in restoring what your body may be missing.  Be aware that like anything, this takes time.  You cannot expect to add a vitamin or supplement to your routine and see immediate results.  It is important to understand that it takes time to see results.  I suggest consistency and diligence will show results in about one month’s time.  

If you are someone who also likes to ensure you eat your vitamins, your hair, skin, and nails will benefit from the following:  Veggies: green peas, lentils, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrots, sunflower seeds.

Meat, Dairy and Fish include organ meats (kidneys and liver), milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs (including yolk). Fish is also a great way to get your omega 3 fatty acids.

The importance of listening to your body and being aware of what it may be telling you is key.  Both fatigue and insomnia can also be a way of telling you that you may want to get a little help by taking vitamins or supplements.  Before adding any vitamin or supplements into your routine, consult with your family doctor to ensure it does not influence any current medications or supplements you may already be taking.  I would suggest having a round of bloodwork before starting and again after a few months so you can document any changes.



 By Cynthia Skabar



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